Parcae Capital | North Andover
NFTs have had a meteoric (and somewhat crazy) rise in popularity since they first appeared in 2014. While they are smoking hot right now, many wonder if NFTs will continue to sizzle or if they will eventually fizzle. An NFT is a digital object, which is a bit computer code and data that conveys ownership […]
Dr. Yochinori Ohsumi Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine Frank Magliochetti Report Yoshinori Ohsumi is the sole winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Dr. Ohsumi is a cell biologist who specializes in autophagy, which is the process cells use to destroy and recycle cellular components the cells no longer use. Ohsumi […]
NSAIDs May Prevent the Development of Colorectal Cancer after Polyp Removal A recent study published in the British medical journal suggests that NSAIDs may help prevent colorectal cancer after polyp removal – This post goes into more detail on the study. Frank Magliochetti Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may prevent the recurrence of advanced neoplasia, […]
Highest C-Diff Rates in US are in the Northeast Frank Magliochetti Report Clostridium difficile (C. difficile or C. diff) is a deadly superbug that causes severe illness, diarrhea and sometimes death in thousands of people in the United States each year. Now a study shows that infection rates of these antibiotic-resistant bacteria are highest in the Northeastern section of the […]
Preventative Vaccines: Bexsero & Trumenba Frank Magliochetti Report One of the biggest public health epidemics occurred back in 2014; Ebola and Meningococcal B were responsible. These two diseases took 10,000 people in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. These three countries have weak health systems, which is the reason why they were unable to treat their […]
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