Parcae Capital | North Andover
5 Trends to Watch for in 2020 Healthcare is changing at the speed of light as researchers discover new treatments and as developers create new technologies that improve the health and well-being of the public. A dizzying array of new healthcare products will hit the market in the next year. Here are five of the […]
Pursuit of Vaccine and Managing Lab Protocols during the Covid19 Pandemic On April 22, 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) said, “To be clear, WHO’s advice is to find and test every suspected case, not every person in a population.” While testing every person is not essential to controlling COVID-19, finding and testing […]
Trends to Watch for in NFT Music in 2022 Music has always been trendy. Early mankind grooved to Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque beats until Classical and Romantic music became all the rage. Most of the trends reflected the types of instruments available at the time. Since Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville recorded an anonymous vocalist singing […]
ClickStream CEO Talks Disruption Through Apps CLICKSTREAM CEO FRANK MAGLIOCHETTI TALKS DISRUPTING CONVENTIONAL INDUSTRIES THROUGH APPS, EXPLODING NFT TECH, AND WHY CLIS IS A SMART INVESTMENT TODAY In an incredibly thorough and and candid interview Hazel Saunders of the Ritz Herald talks with Frank M<agliochetti about all things ClickStream! Here is the Interview: for the […]
Preventative Vaccines: Bexsero & Trumenba Frank Magliochetti Report One of the biggest public health epidemics occurred back in 2014; Ebola and Meningococcal B were responsible. These two diseases took 10,000 people in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. These three countries have weak health systems, which is the reason why they were unable to treat their […]
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