Parcae Capital | North Andover
Even Vaccinated People Can Get the Measles Measles are a serious infectious disease that can cause serious complications, such as ear infections, inflammation of the throat and lungs, pneumonia, swelling of the brain known as encephalitis, and pregnancy problems. Once very common, measles are now rare thanks to vaccinations, but people who have been vaccinated […]
Genetic Testing Innovations Genetic testing is quickly becoming a cornerstone of healthcare, with new medical technologies and innovations enhancing how scientists work with genetics. Gene therapy, simplified genetic tests, and analysis of fully sequenced genomes are just some of the genetic testing innovations improving healthcare today and in the future. The global genetic testing market […]
The Rush for Genome Editing Frank Magliochetti Report The Rush for Genome Editing Gene-editing technology has sparked a frenzy of competitors fueled to develop the first of what may be thousands of treatments for genetic disorders. From science fiction of movies like Jurassic Park to the reality of GMO foods, the concept of customizing plants, […]
NFTS are Shaking Up the Music Industry NFTS are Shaking Up the Music Industry There was a time when all you could purchase with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were those mopey monkeys that people inexplicitly bought for ridiculous amounts of money. Today, NFTs can do so much more than buy Bored Apes – especially for the […]
Re-Emerging Technique for Removing Blood Clots Frank Magliochetti Report A brain stroke occurs when certain lymph, veins or arteries form a blood clot in the brain, which if not treated on time can cause brain damage, long term disability or death. CDC says that stroke is considered as one of the top five diseases and […]
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