Parcae Capital | North Andover
Spending Trends 1996 – 2013: Health Care for Children Spending on health care for children has risen in the past 20 years and a new article sheds light on where the money goes. Frank Magliochetti Personal health care spending for children skyrocketed 56 percent between 1996 and 2013, according to a new study published online by JAMA Pediatrics. […]
Music has been around since the dawn of humankind, and the music business has always been pretty much the same: audiences pay money to enjoy their favorite songs. In the Middle Ages, wealthy people would pay minstrels to perform in their homes. Centuries later, music lovers purchased their favorite songs pressed on vinyl. Quite a […]
New Study Sheds Light on Personal Health Care Spending Trends in the U.S. The amount of dollars the Unites Spends on healthcare surpasses every other nation on the planet; all in all accounting for 17% of the economy in the U.S. Frank Magliochetti People spend more for health care in the United States than in […]
NSAIDs May Prevent the Development of Colorectal Cancer after Polyp Removal A recent study published in the British medical journal suggests that NSAIDs may help prevent colorectal cancer after polyp removal – This post goes into more detail on the study. Frank Magliochetti Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may prevent the recurrence of advanced neoplasia, […]
The Rush for Genome Editing Frank Magliochetti Report The Rush for Genome Editing Gene-editing technology has sparked a frenzy of competitors fueled to develop the first of what may be thousands of treatments for genetic disorders. From science fiction of movies like Jurassic Park to the reality of GMO foods, the concept of customizing plants, […]
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