Parcae Capital | North Andover
NFTS are Shaking Up the Music Industry NFTS are Shaking Up the Music Industry There was a time when all you could purchase with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were those mopey monkeys that people inexplicitly bought for ridiculous amounts of money. Today, NFTs can do so much more than buy Bored Apes – especially for the […]
Spending Trends 1996 – 2013: Health Care for Children Spending on health care for children has risen in the past 20 years and a new article sheds light on where the money goes. Frank Magliochetti Personal health care spending for children skyrocketed 56 percent between 1996 and 2013, according to a new study published online by JAMA Pediatrics. […]
Smoking Statistics: Northeast USA Cigarette smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), claiming more than 480,000 lives each year. Despite decades of anti-smoking campaigns, which have been largely successful at reducing the number of cigarette smoking and death rates […]
Telemedicine for Assessing Levels of Consciousness in Comatose Patients: How Does it Compare to Bedside Assessment? Effective care for comatose patients in intensive care units (ICUs) depends on proper intervention based on reliable assessment. Researchers recently conducted a study at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Arizona to compare the effectiveness of using telemedicine to assess levels of consciousness […]
ClickStream CEO Talks Disruption Through Apps CLICKSTREAM CEO FRANK MAGLIOCHETTI TALKS DISRUPTING CONVENTIONAL INDUSTRIES THROUGH APPS, EXPLODING NFT TECH, AND WHY CLIS IS A SMART INVESTMENT TODAY In an incredibly thorough and and candid interview Hazel Saunders of the Ritz Herald talks with Frank M<agliochetti about all things ClickStream! Here is the Interview: for the […]
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