Parcae Capital | North Andover
Preventative Vaccines: Bexsero & Trumenba Frank Magliochetti Report One of the biggest public health epidemics occurred back in 2014; Ebola and Meningococcal B were responsible. These two diseases took 10,000 people in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. These three countries have weak health systems, which is the reason why they were unable to treat their […]
Augmented Reality: A Disruptive Trend that is Changing Healthcare Google Glass and other types of augmented reality (AR) never really took hold in the consumer market but the advanced technology is now poised to be a disruptive trend that will forever change healthcare for patients and providers. A Q4 2016 report by ABI Research suggests […]
Dr. Yochinori Ohsumi Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine Frank Magliochetti Report Yoshinori Ohsumi is the sole winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Dr. Ohsumi is a cell biologist who specializes in autophagy, which is the process cells use to destroy and recycle cellular components the cells no longer use. Ohsumi […]
NSAIDs May Prevent the Development of Colorectal Cancer after Polyp Removal A recent study published in the British medical journal suggests that NSAIDs may help prevent colorectal cancer after polyp removal – This post goes into more detail on the study. Frank Magliochetti Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may prevent the recurrence of advanced neoplasia, […]
United States: Medication Adherence Check Up Non-adherence includes stopping, not starting, or taking less than the prescribed amount of a medication. More than half of all adults in the United States with a chronic illness report at least one episode of non-adherence to their prescription medication, according to the first National Report Card on Adherence. This […]
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