Parcae Capital | North Andover
Benefits of Online Trivia Apps Online trivia apps and brain games are a lot of fun, but they can also be good for your mental health. In fact, there are not many downsides to playing trivia games – they are fun to play, give your brain a workout, offer an opportunity to interact with others, […]
Medical Costs Frank Magliochetti Report PwC calls 2017 the “year of equilibrium for medical costs” in its recent publication, Medical Cost Trend: Behind the Numbers 2017. Authors of the PwC report expect growth rate for 2017 to remain unchanged at a 6.5 percent. There are two main components of healthcare costs: Unit price of services Utilization, […]
NFTs have had a meteoric (and somewhat crazy) rise in popularity since they first appeared in 2014. While they are smoking hot right now, many wonder if NFTs will continue to sizzle or if they will eventually fizzle. An NFT is a digital object, which is a bit computer code and data that conveys ownership […]
Changes in Healthcare Organizations of the Future From the diseases we face to the technologies we use to treat them, healthcare in the United States is changing rapidly. Frank Magliochetti confirms: that just a few short decades ago, most people received care from their family doctor and paid for it through private insurance provided by […]
NFTS are Shaking Up the Music Industry NFTS are Shaking Up the Music Industry There was a time when all you could purchase with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were those mopey monkeys that people inexplicitly bought for ridiculous amounts of money. Today, NFTs can do so much more than buy Bored Apes – especially for the […]
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