March 9, 2025

What are NFTs and Where is this Heading?

NFT’s – Non-fungible tokens are popping up everywhere in the news these days, with high-profile companies, artists, and sports figures hopping on the newest marketplace bandwagon. Some NFTs are worth millions, and new ways to trade NFTs are popping up every day.

What exactly are NFTs?

In economics, a fungible is a good or commodity that is replaceable. Oil and gold are fungible commodities, in that someone can sell their gold or oil and purchase an exact replacement that has the identical value and properties of the oil or gold they just sold. A bitcoin is also fungible – trade one bitcoin for another, and you will have basically the same thing. A non-fungible, then, is a unique commodity that cannot be replaced with something else.

NFTs are cryptocurrency, a type of currency used to buy goods and services. Unlike paper money printed by governments, cryptocurrency is digital asset, so it is not something you can store in your wallet or pocket. Cryptocurrencies like NFTs work using blockchain, a public ledger system that creates an unchangeable digital record of transactions; the information is decentralized, stored across many computers.

NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital assets, such as drawings, music, video clips and jpegs, represented by a unique code recorded on the blockchain. NFTs can be bought and sold like a physical asset; the blockchain tracks the ownership of the NFT and the validity of the purchase. The buyer of the NFT gets a token that proves that they own the original work.

Even tweets can be bought and sold as NFTs; in March of 2021, the founder of Twitter sold his first tweet, published in 2006, for just under $3 million. A buyer purchased Nyan Cat, a 2011 an animated Gif of a flying pop-tart cat, for more than $500,000. Elon Musk’s musician girlfriend, who performs under the stage name Grimes, sold some of her digital artwork for more than $6 million.

Even major auction houses are getting in on the action. Christie’s recently held its first digital-only auction, which netted a cool $69 million for the artist who goes by the name of Beeple. As of mid-April 2021, Beeple is the highest selling NFT in history.

History of NFTs

Colored Coins are arguably the first NFTs, appearing in 2012 – 2013. Made of small denominations of a bitcoin, Colored Coins could represent property, coupons, shares of a company, subscriptions, access tokens, and digital collectibles. The system was flawed in that the coins could only represent an asset as long as everyone agreed on what the coins represented. If just one participant decided that they no longer equated a Colored Coin with a coupon, for example, the whole system collapsed. Colored Coins did open the door to putting real-world assets into blockchain ledgers, however, which laid the groundwork for NFTs.

Colored Coins also revealed the possibility of issuing assets onto blockchains. The big problem was that the then-current iteration of Bitcoin did not have the ability to issue assets – it was still just a digital money system, somewhat like internet cash. In 2014, big thinkers at Counterparty built a financial platform on top of Bitcoin; this platform allowed participants to create assets, such as a trading card game and meme trading. Counterparty even had a crypto token with the stock ticker symbol XCP.

Force of Will, a large mainstream company that had no prior experience with blockchain or cryptocurrency, launched their popular trading cards on Counterparty. This move brought NFTs out of the shadows and into the marketplace spotlight.

People began moving their memes to Counterparty. In 2016, people began to issue “rare pepes,” which are memes that feature a specific frog character. In addition to being on Bitcoin blockchain, the Rare Pepe Meme Directory certifies the rareness of the rare pepe meme.

Bitcoin now has a number of competitors offering blockchain, and many people now trade assets on those competing blockchains. People began issuing their rare pepes on one such competitor, known as Ethereum. In 2017, Ethereum introduced Peperium as a decentralized meme marketplace and trading card game (TCG). Their associated token, bearing the ticker symbol of RARE, could be used for meme creation and to pay listing fees.

Today’s NFT Marketplaces

New NFT marketplaces are popping up every day, and these marketplaces offer artists new ways to monetize their work. Even famed Super Bowl quarterback Tom Brady is launching an NFT, known as Autograph, in the fall of 2021. It will create digital collectibles featuring some of the biggest names in sports, fashion pop culture, and entertainment.

Nifter is a music NFT that, when launched, will allow users to create, sell, and find original music and even unique sounds. Artists can use the Nifter creation tool to mint a token for their music, and sell their NFTs on the Nifter marketplace at a fixed price or in an auction-style sale.

The first step in getting started with NFTs is to set up an Ethereum Wallet, which is a digital account that stores the cryptocurrency used to buy, sell, and trade NFTs. Next, purchase a small amount of Ethereum cryptocurrency to store in the wallet. Finally, connect the wallet to an NFT marketplace, such as Rarible, Zora, and SuperRare.

Will you make millions of dollars with NFTs? Maybe, maybe not – it depends largely on who you are (big names usually attract big money) and the digital goods you are trading. After all, the person who created an animated Gif of a flying pop-tart cat made half a million dollars. The only certainty is that NFTs are forever changing how we purchase digital art.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC  @WinQuikApp Nifter a music NFT marketplace that allows artists to create, sell and discover unique music and sound NFTs on the Nifter™ marketplace, and their foreign language exchange learning app  @HeyPalApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is frankmagliochetti_FrankMagliochettiNews.jpg
Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital



What is The Potential Future of NFT’s?

NFTs have had a meteoric (and somewhat crazy) rise in popularity since they first appeared in 2014. While they are smoking hot right now, many wonder if NFTs will continue to sizzle or if they will eventually fizzle.

An NFT is a digital object, which is a bit computer code and data that conveys ownership of something online or real. NFT can convey ownership of an online video or graphic, for example, or a painting, seat at a concert, or actual real estate. In fact, a San Francisco entrepreneur is attempting to auction off apartment leases as NFTs. NFTs can also be hybrid of the two – NFTs might represent the sale of physical concert tickets and the download of the artist’s album, for instance.

NFTs have become an increasingly popular way to buy and sell digital artwork. The artist Grimes recently sold nearly $6 million in digital art – in less than 20 minutes. The YouTube video, Charlie Bit My Finger, sold for $760,999. Even established names in the art world are getting in on the action. Christie’s recently auctioned a work by digital artist Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, for more than $69.3 million.

NFTs have become part of the crazy financial world that now includes cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. In May, people were buying and selling an estimated 85,787 NFTs day, according to application tracking firm DappRadar, which works out to a total value of $5.8 million each day.

While they are currently lucrative and immensely popular, will NFTs last?

There are some drawbacks to dealing in NFTs, of course, as there are in any transactions. The amount of money involved may inspire some to risk too much money, for example, and NFT sales have slipped recently. In fact, some claim that the “NFT bubble” has burst – but that probably will not stop NFTs from following in the footsteps of other forms of currency and cryptocurrency by becoming mainstream and more stable.

NFTs will Likely Survive (and Thrive!) in the Long Run

Once all of the shiny newness wears off and NFTs become boring, non-fungible tokens could become something far more useful and far more widely used as practical business solutions. The blockchain technology that maintains the digital records does not need a centralized system to run, for example, so transactions can potentially happen much faster and easier. The blockchain also maintains a permanent record of all transactions connected to the NFT and the property it represents. Finally, NFTs can contain coded elements, known as smart contracts, which can automatically take action in certain circumstances to implement an automated and self-enforcing set of rules that cannot be skipped or ignored.

NFT technology also has a certain democratizing nature that will serve it well in the future. Anyone can log on and purchase items, without the restrictions to access that historically prevented some from buying the goods and services they desire. This is a departure from the past for many, especially for those in the art world, in which anonymous investors would receive invitations to private auctions and would often tuck valuable art away for years, waiting for it to become more valuable.

Even more sustaining is the transparency of NFTs. The entire history of the item, including the date of its creation, the owner, past purchasers, and purchase price, becomes part of a publicly visible ledger. While the concept of recordkeeping certainly isn’t new – the first written records of property and livestock ownership are more than 5000 years old, after all – the blockchain technology that creates the transaction records is revolutionary.

Interest in cryptocurrency and the rise of art market speculation has sparked interest in NFTs, and the pandemic added fuel to the fire – locked inside during the shutdown, people found new ways to shop and purchase items. It also sparked greater interest in art, music, videos, graphics, and more. Consumers began looking for new experiences that could add meaning to their lives. We began valuing digital goods in much the same way as we have always valued physical goods.

NFTs will likely be around a while for two important reasons: the technology is interesting and useful, and people are making money. Combining useful, interesting technology with big profits is a recipe for success.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC  @WinQuikApp, Nifter™, a music NFT marketplace that allows recording artists to create and sell limited edition authenticated NFTs, and their foreign language exchange learning app  @HeyPalApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.


Benefits and Advantages of Learning a New Language with an App

Benefits and Advantages of Learning a New Language with an App

Software applications, or apps, have changed how people do just about everything. We used to call a cab and use paper maps to go somewhere, for example, and now we simply tap the Uber and Google Maps icons on our phones. Apps provide a new way to learn how to cook, dance, invest, socialize, and even play a musical instrument. Apps have changed how we learn new languages too. These apps are successful because they offer benefits and advantages over other approaches to learning.

Advantages of Apps over Traditional Methods of Learning New Languages

Apps have advantages over traditional education tools when it comes to learning a new language. Prior to the digital age, for example, people could only learn languages if they had access to language resources, educators, and courses in their town. Apps allow people to learn a new language anywhere they could get an internet connection.

Choose any language or course

Most brick-and-mortar schools and colleges teach Spanish, German, French, English, and Arabic, but fewer institutes of learning offer Polish, Dutch, Japanese, Vietnamese or Malay. Apps allow you to learn nearly any language spoken on the planet.

Learn at any time

Unlike in-person courses that have a set day and time for classes, apps allow you to learn a new language at any time of day or night. Sticking to a schedule can put you at risk for attending classes when you are tired or stressed out. Using an app lets you study when you have the time and energy for optimal learning.

Go at your own pace

Falling behind the rest of the class is stressful and embarrassing. Perhaps the worst part is that, once you fall behind your classmates, it is difficult to catch up. Getting ahead of the class is also frustrating as you wait for them to catch up. Using an app allows you to learn at your own pace.

Apps offer a variety of ways to learn

Everyone learns a new language in their own way; some people learn by memorizing vocabulary while others absorb more by playing games. Apps provide a wide variety of education techniques to suit almost every learning style.

You can start speaking your new language right away

Many traditional language courses start with history and grammar, whereas language apps typically try to get you speaking the language as soon as possible. Nearly three-fourths of Babbel users say they feel capable of maintaining a small conversation in their new language after just 5 hours instruction on the app.

You can track your progress

Apps can help you track your vocabulary, the amount of time you spend studying, and other information about your learning. Many digital language programs also offer rewards systems to keep you moving forward.

You can learn what is relevant to you

In a traditional classroom environment, everyone learns the same information, whether it interests them or not. This means students have to learn words and grammar rules they may never use – those who just want to learn how to order dinner during their Roman holiday has to learn as much Italian as someone who intends to move there. Apps allow individuals to learn as much or as little of a language as they desire.

Benefits of Using an App to Learn a New Language

Apps are customizable

Doing coursework on your own schedule allows you to study when you are in the mood. The customizable features of apps also let you learn your way, and at your own pace.

Apps are fun

Many apps make a game out of learning, which takes the drudgery out of picking up a new language. Apps feature images, sound and video that are colorful, cheerful, and fast moving, so time goes by quickly.

Access to online tutors

Everyone needs a little help now and then, especially when it comes to learning a language. iTalki, Rype, Tandem, Preply, Verbling, Live Lingua, and other apps offer online tutors that help you speak the language correctly.

Apps really work

Perhaps the greatest benefit is that apps really work. In a recent study, 85 undergraduates used an app to learn Spanish. Oral proficiency, vocabulary and grammar tests showed the students had learned enough to communicate in Spanish after just 12 weeks.

While using an app is not for everyone, it is a great way for many people to learn a new language without having to sit in a classroom. Whether you prefer iPhone, Android or a different device, you can use an app to start speaking a new language today.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC  @WinQuikApp and their foreign language exchange learning app  @HeyPalApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is frankmagliochetti_FrankMagliochettiNews.jpg
Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital


Online Trivia Apps Have Benefits!

Benefits of Online Trivia Apps

Online trivia apps and brain games are a lot of fun, but they can also be good for your mental health. In fact, there are not many downsides to playing trivia games – they are fun to play, give your brain a workout, offer an opportunity to interact with others, and even prompt you to continue learning. Virtual trivia games are even better, in that you can play them at your convenience rather than wait for game night.

What’s so great about trivia and brain games?

It’s just human nature – people love the thrill of knowing obscure information and having the opportunity to prove it. It turns out that there is a physiological reason for this – winning stimulates production of the “happy hormones,” dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, which make winning feel so good. Along with feelings of pleasure, dopamine is associated with learning, memory, and motor system function. Serotonin helps regulate mood, appetite, digestion, sleep, learning ability, and memory. Also known as “the love hormone,” oxytocin helps promote empathy, trust, and bonding in relationships.

Exercise for your noggin

Trivia also serve as a form of exercise for the brain. While the brain is not a muscle, it does get stronger with use and weaker from neglect like a muscle. Collecting, storing, and recalling information is like a trip to the gym for your noodle. In one study of older adults, those who learned quilting or digital photography had more memory improvement than did the participants who just socialized or engaged in activities that required less thinking. Billions of tiny nerve cells in the brain, known as neurons, have branches that connect the cells together to create a network. Communication between these neurons allows us to think and solve problems. Learning new things strengthens the brain by making the connections between brain cells stronger; exercising your brain can also make the tiny connections multiply, so the neurons can communicate even faster.

Social interaction

Perhaps the best part about trivia games is that they connect people to one another. Cleveland Clinic says that a strong social network can serve as sources of support; it can also reduce stress, help fight depression and enhance intellectual stimulation. Research from Harvard School of Public Health shows an active social life can delay memory loss in older adults. Trivia games create a great opportunity to get the social interaction you need.

What’s Better than Old-fashioned Trivia? Online Trivia!

Trivia apps take all the hassle out and put the fun back into brain games! Traditional trivia games involve proctors, participants, and game boards or paper. They also require scoring and record keeping that can slow down the fun and provide inaccurate results. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are fast, agile, and interesting, which keeps the game rolling.

The online platform allows users to enjoy trivia games without having to secure a live proctor or find other participants. Players can start a trivia game at any time of day or night, and can always find tough competitors to keep things interesting.

Keeping score on paper is tedious, and it can leave the door open for fuzzy interpretation of answers and inaccurate results. Online trivia software checks the results and displays the high scorers’ names. The program automatically checks for correct answers, catches missed questions, and maintains legacy score information, without the need for proctors or physical files. Online trivia allows for randomization, which keeps things interesting for players. Software often allows administrators to create question banks, and to randomize the questions and multiple-choice answers.

Social interaction without crowded rooms

Online trivia games create an opportunity for social interaction without all the inconveniences of socializing with others in person. Players can answer trivia questions from the comforts of their own home, at work, during their commute, or virtually anywhere. This has become particularly important during the pandemic, which has prevented large gatherings in indoor locations.

Creating virtual trivia is also good for nearly any organization, from schools to businesses to clubs. Putting quizzes online allows organizations to quiz large numbers of people all at once and give each participant the same experience, despite locations. The virtual platform also eliminates the costs of administering and scoring printed trivia games.

Online trivia apps are the newest generation in games and brain exercises. Whether it is a standing quiz night, a private event, a fundraiser, or just a great way to have fun while keeping your brain in shape, online trivia apps have it all.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC and @WinQuikApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is frankmagliochetti_FrankMagliochettiNews.jpg
Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital


Innovative Online Gaming Companies Seize Control in 2021

Here we go! The gaming industry is rising like a phoenix from the ashes that will be left behind from the pandemic, leaving other forms of entertainment in the rubble of 2020 watch out 2021!

It has been a tough year for many industries, as COVID-19 emptied the casinos, concert halls, bars, and other real-world entertainment venues. But as 2020 has been a bust for many industries, the year has been a financial boon for online gaming, as consumers look to spend their money and their free time from the comfort and safety of home. Mobile gaming is expected to capture $77.2 billion in revenue this year, according to Reuters, leaping 13.3 percent over 2019.

To grab a share of the revenue, though, online gaming companies must be innovative enough to attract the attention of the 2.7 billion total gamers out there. This year, some found innovation within their own game categories, such as first person shooter, online casino games, arcade games, sports games, action and adventure games, board games, and massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs or MMOs).

For example, Roblox built a platform that not only allows users to play their favorite games, such as Jailbreak and MeepCity, but to develop their own games. In just the past year, Roblox has introduced a variety of tools for their 2+ million developers, such as a translation feature that allows them to publish game titles in different languages and an upgrade that allows up to 800 simultaneous players on a server. In 2019, developers earned about $100 million in revenue through in-game upgrades and virtual goods.

Apple Arcade offered users unlimited access to more than 100 games on their iPhone, Mac, iPad, and Apple TVs for only $5 a month. While offering customers a great deal is not necessarily groundbreaking, finding new ways to make money on products they already sold is. Another power player, Minecraft Earth, brought their popular augmented reality mobile game into the real world. Users can hook up with other crafters to create small-scale masterpieces, and then take their builds into the real world.

Other online games, like Level Ex and Zwift, ventured outside their categorical comfort zones. Level Ex allows doctors to put their clinical skills to the test while earning the continuing medical education (CME) credits they need to practice. Zwift sets itself apart from Pelaton, which provides run-of-the-mill online spin classes, by turning the user’s stationary bike into a video game controller in a way that allows gamers to compete against other cyclists in massive online races.

What 2021 has in Store for Gamers

Next year’s trends will likely involve virtual reality, augmented reality, cloud gaming, artificial intelligence, mobile gambling, and different payment options, but in ways we have never seen before.

Technologically advanced gadgets will help make online gaming even more interactive and immersive. Oculus Quest 2 offers next-level hardware and redesigned controllers that are easy to set up and PC VR compatible. Some companies are looking to make their products more affordable – Google’s Cardboard VR headset is an inexpensive way to experience virtual reality on a smartphone, for example.

WinQuik looks like it will make great gains before the end of the year. The creator of WinQuik, ClickStream, made a November 2020 announcement that they were entering Phase Two of its business plan by launching a mobile marketing campaign. The ads, featuring Pooch Hall and Amber Theoharis, will appear on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and other digital platforms. The online trivia gaming platform looks towards a rosy future in 2021. ClickStream also recently announced that, in the first four weeks after its launch, more than 21,000 1-vs-1 challenges have been played on the trivia gaming platform; nearly 2500 participants were repeat players. The company predicts the number of 1-vs-1 challenges in the platform’s first month will outpace early estimates by a long shot.

Some companies are innovating how they deliver existing games to new audiences. Rush Street Interactive (RSI) is one of the fastest-growing online casino gaming companies because of its innovative approaches to creating and operating online gaming products and social casino sites that offer real money prizes. RSI has recently announced its partnership with NetEnt Group, becoming the first online casino operator in the US to premier some of Red Tiger’s most popular titles, such as Gonzo’s Quest™ MegaWays™ and Cash Volt.

Other companies are providing immersive experiences for gamers. For example, Hopa Canada New Online Casino now offers the award-winning augmented reality game, Monopoly Live, which mixes video game graphics with real-life interactions with real-life dealers to gives gamers the feeling they are playing in a casino.  A few companies are collecting data to help them gain a better understanding of what gamers will want in the future.

While it is hard to know exactly what 2021 will bring, it is fairly easy to predict that online gaming will become even more popular in the upcoming year. Companies brave enough to think outside the box will likely attract the most attention (and money) with innovative hardware, expanded platforms, and ingenious advertising approaches.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC and @WinQuikApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is frankmagliochetti_FrankMagliochettiNews.jpg
Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital


Online & Smartphone Gaming

Online & Smartphone Gaming: Today and Tomorrow

Humans have been playing games since the dawn of civilization. Games have come a long way since the Ancient Egyptians played Senet – they’ve moved from wooden boards and tokens of yesteryear to the online platforms and smartphones of today.

Games remain incredibly popular, especially since the coronavirus pandemic sent people scrounging for home entertainment that wouldn’t cost them a fortune. To fill the void, many turned to online games using their smartphones. In fact, games now account for 43 percent of all smartphone use.

Statistica reported game sales skyrocketed 63 percent in just one week back in March of 2020, suggesting that people were turning to home entertainment to fill the void created by self-isolation during the pandemic. During that same month, Steam hit a peak of 23,434,674 concurrent players, smashing their record set a week prior by more than a million players and an enormous increase over the 20 million concurrent Steam players recorded at the beginning of March.

Mobile gaming accounted for more than 58 percent of the gaming market in 2019, and the global pandemic is fueling its growth. In fact, experts think the global mobile gaming market will likely reach $165.9 billion in 2020.

Players can choose from several different types of games, including action games, adventure games, card and casino games, puzzles, role-playing games (RPGs), first-person shooter games, sports and strategy games. Trivia games are especially hot these days.

Launched by ClickStream on September 30, 2020, WinQuik is the latest and greatest entry into the online trivia market. This innovative real-time gaming platform pays users money and prizes. WinQuik pops out up to five multi-player quiz games ever day, featuring well-known hosts, including boxer/actor Pooch Hall, Emmy award-winning journalist/ documentary filmmaker/tech executive Amber Theoharis, chef/TV personality Jordan Andino, and NFL quarterback/aerospace engineer/NASA intern Joshua Dobbs.

WinQuik platform offers a wide variety of new and fascinating topics to keep the games interesting. Quiz categories include survival, crime, history, the human body, cars, food, gaming, geography and more.

Using famous hosts isn’t the only thing that sets WinQuik apart from other gaming apps – it also targets a completely different audience. Unlike apps that hope to attract fantasy players or sports betters over the long haul, ClickStream caters to those casual users who prefer spending just a few seconds to interact with a gaming platform in order to win prizes and real money. Users can get involved in as little as 20 seconds and receive their game results via push notifications.

WinQuik is also free, at least for now. ClickStream will monetize the app with corporate sponsors and advertisers.

Future of Online and Smartphone Gaming

Until quite recently, substandard graphics and slow speeds were the hallmarks of online and mobile games, particularly in comparison to games for PCs and consoles. Because of improvements and advances in technology that provide better support for graphics, though, many notable titles are making the leap from PCs and consoles to mobile platforms. League of Legends: Wild Rift and Game of Thrones: Beyond the Wall went mobile in 2020, and many other titles are set to follow. The seismic shift from PCs and consoles will likely shake up the mobile gaming market to create an entirely new experience over the next decade.

A number of factors will shape online and smartphone gaming in the near and far future.

Better graphics

Graphics are significantly more immersive and sophisticated than they were in the days of Pong and Leisure Suit Larry – today’s graphics are smooth and realistic.

Advanced VR And AR Tech

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology will play an increasingly important role in video gaming in the future, especially as the price of virtual headsets drops and their quality rises. A number of online platforms are adopting VR and AR technologies to make their games more exciting, realistic, and immersive.


Slow internet speeds have been the bane of gaming since the dawn of the internet. 5G will change all that with blistering fast speeds and reduced network congestion. Download speeds of 5G will be around 10 times faster than 4G speeds, which will increase download times and accessibility.

Cloud Based Gaming

In the past, users had to store games entirely on their PCs or laptops. Hardware storage demands a significant amount of memory, of course, and this limited the potential power of the game. Local storage also limited where the users could enjoy their favorite games. Cloud-based technology changed all that – users can now play anywhere they can use their phone, and because games are now stored on expansive cloud-based servers, they are no longer limited by the size of their home computer.

It’s hard to say where we’ll be in a few years, when the pandemic is over and technology will have advanced even more, but one thing is certain – we’ll still be playing games.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC and @WinQuikApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

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Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital


Clickstream Chooses Sem Nexus To Market The Launch Of WinQuik(TM)

ClickStream Names SEM Nexus to Market WinQuik

Clickstream hires Sem Nexus to implement a broad social and digital marketing campaign timed with the launch of WinQuik™ in September 2020.

Frank Magliochetti, CEO of Clickstream , “We believe Sem Nexus has the experience required to implement a successful digital marketing campaign and help us further brand WinQuik™ as we go to market.”

Michael Kordvani, CEO of SEM Nexus states “We’re excited to partner with ClickStream in the launch of its WinQuik™ app and are looking forward to bringing our expertise to the table here. We’re very confident this app is going to be a huge success.”


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Frank is also CEO of ClickStream, ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. Twitter at @ClickstreamC and @WinQuikApp.

Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital


SEM Nexus is a leading startup mobile app marketing agency. With a plethora of mobile app launches under their belt, SEM Nexus has found itself at the forefront of the mobile marketing industry by utilizing a combination of all modern and relevant digital marketing tactics to spread awareness of its clients mobile apps. SEM Nexus employs agile processes in every marketing campaign, ensuring that it is always bringing the best possible marketing strategy forward for every campaign. For more details, check out the SEM Nexus website at, or clutch profile at


ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. WinQuik™ is currently in production with shows featuring celebrity hosts Joshua Dobbs, Brian Baldinger, Howie Schwab, Amber Theoharis, Mykel Hawke and Jordan Andino on subject matter ranging from sports trivia, survival, entertainment, the Bible, space and culinary. Game types are set up dynamically with non-live game shows daily and weekly live game shows. As a free-mium platform, ClickStream intends to monetize the platform with corporate sponsors and advertisers. For more information please visit Clickstream’s websites at or as well as on Twitter at and


This press release contains forward-looking statements that can be identified by terminology such as “believes,” “expects,” “potential,” “plans,” “suggests,” “may,” “should,” “could,” “intends,” or similar expressions. Many forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results implied by such statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, our ability to continue to enhance our products and systems to address industry changes, our ability to expand our customer base and retain existing customers, our ability to effectively compete in our market segment, the lack of public information on our company, our ability to raise sufficient capital to fund our business, operations, our ability to continue as a going concern, and a limited public market for our common stock, among other risks. Many factors are difficult to predict accurately and are generally beyond the company’s control. Forward-looking statements speak only as to the date they are made, and we do not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made.

Clickstream – Rich TV

Frank Magliochetti ClickStream CEO on today!

Frank Magliochetti, ClickStream CEO will appear on Rich TV Live, a financial focused digital network that has over 80,000 members and on all the popular social media and video sharing channels. The interview will air on Wednesday July 22nd at 9:30 AM ET on and will be available on Clickstream’s social media platforms shortly thereafter.

Frank Magliochetti will provide Rich TV Live’s audience and others with an overview of the upcoming launch of Clickstream’s multi-platform trivia gaming network called WinQuik™, as well as discussing how the in development technology has attracted the likes of Amber Theoharis, Brian Baldinger, Howie Schwab, Mykel Hawke, Joshua Dobbs and Jordan Andino as program hosts.

Clickstream is actively identifying TV and entertainment personalities for programs as the company scales to deliver programming for the world’s first synchronized mobile and digital network. The platform will feature gaming shows and content designed for users seeking the thrill of live competition in order to win real money and prizes.


Rich TV Live has been sharing company news and updates on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Blogger and many other social media sites since 2017 with a community of 80,000 members and growing everyday. We have a daily show on YouTube that helps investors get access to in depth information about companies by getting access to CEO interviews, company overviews and Video press releases. Our videos are shared on 8 different social media platforms to help bring more visibility to companies that are under exposed. We take pride in bringing the best trading information and ideas through our trading academy. All the information on RICH TV LIVE is for educational and entertainment purposes. We are not licensed advisors, so all ways do your own due-diligence before investing in anything we talk about. For more information, please visit


ClickStream’s business operations are focused on the development and implementation of WinQuik™, a free to play synchronized mobile app and digital gaming platform. The platform is designed to enable WinQuik™ users to have fun, interact and compete against each other in order to win real money and prizes. WinQuik™ is currently in production with shows featuring celebrity hosts Joshua Dobbs, Brian Baldinger, Howie Schwab, Amber Theoharis, Mykel Hawke and Jordan Andino on subject matter ranging from sports trivia, survival, entertainment, the Bible, space and culinary. Game types are set up dynamically with non-live game shows daily and weekly live game shows. As a free-mium platform, ClickStream intends to monetize the platform with corporate sponsors and advertisers. For more information please visit Clickstream’s websites at or as well as on Twitter at @ClickstreamC and @WinQuikApp.


Frank Magliochetti owes his professional success to his expertise in two areas: medicine and finance. After obtaining a BS in pharmacy from Northeastern University, he stayed on to enroll in the Masters of Toxicology program. He later specialized in corporate finance, receiving an MBA from The Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University. His educational background includes completion of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School and the General Management Program at Stanford Business School. Frank Magliochetti has held senior positions at Baxter International, Kontron Instruments, Haemonetics Corporation, and Sandoz. Since 2000, he has been a managing partner at Parcae Capital, where he focuses on financial restructuring and interim management services for companies in the healthcare, media, and alternative energy industries. Last year, he was appointed chairman of the board at Grace Health Technology, a company providing an enterprise solution for the laboratory environment. Most recently; Frank was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Designer Genomics International, Inc. The Company has accumulated a growing body of evidence that highlights a link between alterations in the immune and inflammatory systems and the development of chronic human disease. The Company is visionary and has established itself as a leader in the field of inflammatory and immune genetic DNA and RNA biomarkers that play a causative role in debilitating conditions, such as atherosclerosis/heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and cancer.
A proprietary state-of-the art data mining bioinformatics program, called ‘cluster analysis’ will be used to measure disease development susceptibility with potential for earlier diagnosis and intervention. The company is developing a healthcare program based on its proprietary genetic panels that will allow people to be their own healthcare advocate and take an active role in their health status as well as longevity.

Mr. Frank Magliochetti MBA
Managing Partner
Parcae Capital